Archive for the 'animal trap' Category

Trapping Chipmunks:


I’ve become obsessed with trapping chipmunks. It’s now a family affair. Each day the girls get the peanut butter crackers ready and we set the traps. These are live traps with the intention of trapping them and going to release them far, far away. It hasn’t quite yet gone as planned. So far my efforts have resulted in the following:

1) Peanut butter cracker gone. Trap didn’t go off.  Chipmunks 1 – Hampton’s 0

2)Peanut butter cracker gone, Trap set off, No Chipmunk (don’t ask, I have no idea) Chipmunks 2 – Hampton’s 0

3) Peanut butter cracker gone, Trap set off, I’m at work and get a text we’ve caught!. . . .a squirrel. The girls released the squirrel and the chipmunks laughed. Chipmunks 3 – Hampton’s 0 – Squirrels 0

The reason I’m trying to catch these little guys is that they are digging holes all through my backyard and it is irritating the crap out of me. Oh yeah, about this time someone always says, “uh, are you sure it’s chipmunks? Are you sure it’s not moles?” Listen to me, I know what a mole is and what a mole does. It’s chipmunks, trust me. they dig holes behind my rock walls and build their little tunnels and my rocks are beginning to have no foundation to hold them up.

Anyway, I need you to pray that I catch one soon. It’s pretty much an obsession with me at this point. The girls need to see their dad be a hunter. . . a warrior.  . . I need a chipmunk in that cage.

Stay tuned.

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About Me

My name is William D. Rhodes Hampton. People who know me call me Bill. My friends call me Hampton. Fun Fact #1 - The "D" doesn't stand for anything. I was born and raised in Michigan and now I call Nashville, TN home. I have a beautiful wife and two of the most gorgeous little girls you've ever laid eyes on. We live in Franklin, TN where we're active at The Journey Church. Blogging is new to me, but I'm very interested and excited to learn more about it. I'm officially entering the conversation.